
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Acetaminophen and Autism, ADHD and Asthma

Have you read Dr. Shaw's latest published paper "Evidence that Increased Acetaminophen use in GeneticallyVulnerable Children Appears to be a Major Cause of the Epidemics ofAutism, Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity, and Asthma" yet?

If not, please do and then share this info!! We need to bring more people's attention to the role that this commonly used drug may play for many individuals. He is also doing a webinar later this month. Click here for that link as well. 

This is important information that needs to be shared so that others can be educated about the choices they make for their families. I am constantly humbled by my ability to work in this field which is so near and dear to my heart. Not only do I get to grow my knowledge base daily and help others in Autism recovery but I get to work with the people on the forefront of this exciting new research and data. So please, help support Dr. Shaw's work and share this information far and wide! And, parents, please understand the side effects of this commonly used and seemingly benign medication. No medication is without side effects and when you read this data, you will see a far different side to Acetaminophen (Tylenol) than is portrayed.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Grain Free Coffee Cake

I've been asked for this recipe after sharing on FB that we make this pretty regularly and my family LOVES it! I love that it is sweetened with honey and is grain free. The moist consistency is amazeballs! But, it is NOT my own recipe, as a matter of fact, this is one of the few recipes that I follow exactly as written. So, I am going to just share the link of the original site where I got this. Go head on over to Oven Love and check it out!! The picture above IS mine! ;)

Enjoy and remember, don't recreate the wheel, use what's out there if you can!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

My Guest Blog on Nuture Parenting!

If you haven't read my guest blog on the Nurture Parenting website, I would encourage you to get on over there and read our experiences with a Waldorf inspired charter school! Let me know what you think!!