Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Real Food Mum ~ Real Food for Real Lives
I am thrilled to announce that earlier this year my partner and I launched a company called Real Food Mum! What is Real Food Mum? We provide support, recipes, private and group consultations, pantry clean outs and other services to support families looking to transition to a real food diet.
Eating healthy can be easy and affordable, believe me, I do it!
The journey recovering my son from autism has changed me profoundly. Without it, I would not be the person I am today nor would I have the tools to support other families (with or without autism) in eating as close to nature as possible.
My passion is helping others change their lives through diet and nutrition. And, my partner and I can show you how to do so on a budget, with a busy schedule and juggling a family. We have you covered! Join us in our next group program, programs start each month, or book a private consultation to go over your goals and make changes in your diet.
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