
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Yeast Control Pack for kids with Autism

If you have a child who suffers from yeast overgrowth and who doesn't swallow pills, this may be what you have been looking for! I just found out that New Beginnings has a NEW yeast control package designed specifically for kiddos who can't swallow pills! I will be ordering mine ASAP! Click the New Beginnings logo/link on the right side of my blog to go to their website. Here's the info:

New Beginnings is now offering a liquid Yeast Control Package designed for younger children who do not swallow capsules. The following potent single herbal products have been placed together in this package to provide better and more palatable (better tasting) broad spectrum Candida and bacteria control. When the suggested protocol is followed, this package provides yeast control support for at least three consecutive months while reducing the possibility of the yeast building resistance to the herbs:

Black Walnut Extract

Golden Seal Extract

Uva Ursi Extract


Suggested Dosage/Protocol: Dose 6 – 10 drops of each herb with breakfast and dinner for five (5) consecutive days or as suggested by your healthcare practitioner. Start with any one herb and keep rotating through all the herbs (every 5 days) for a period of three months. Probiotics should be dosed at bedtime or at least two hours away from herbal doses. This protocol can be used whenever Candida symptoms appear.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I found your blog from The Enlightened Homemaker. I love it. I don't have a child with Autism but it's all very interesting to me. My son has had a few seizures and because of that we have eliminated gluten and corn from his diet, as he seems to have issues with those. My question is about yeast overgrowth. What are the symptoms of that? I have treated him for yeast but I am not sure how to know when it comes back. His diaper rashes are gone and his BM's are much better but I am still left to do I know that he's healing? Any tips you have for me on things I could look for would be excellent. Thanks!
