
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Detoxification, what you need (and want) to know!

Do you live on this planet? If so, then you NEED to be focused on detox. Whether we like it or not, our world has become increasingly toxic. Between the air, water, food supply, chemicals we are exposed to in personal care products, perfumes, lotions, detergents, the list goes on and on.

As Dr. Stephen Genuis presented at the 2014 IMMH conference, the brain is a "target organ" for toxicity. Toxins accumulate in fatty tissue and being the fattest tissue in our body, the brain bears the brunt. And it starts at birth. Science has found over 200 chemical toxins in the cord blood of newborn babies! We can't think of detox as a luxury or just for those over a certain age. In our toxic world, we ALL need to focus on ways that support and enhance our detox capabilities.

Dr. Genuis provided various diseases/conditions that can be theorized as being related to toxicity. Some are:

Diabetes Mellitus II
Autism (hello!)
Breast Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Mental Health Disorders

Do you know anyone with those issues? What about headaches, fatigue, brain fog, learning disabilities?

You may be thinking "What's the big deal? We pee and poop out those chemicals!". In a properly functioning system, with certain chemicals, yes. But, do you use antipersperant? Sweating is a really big way to eliminate toxins and as a culture, we seem to be hell bent on preventing sweating! Not many of us can spend time lounging in Far IR Saunas each week either. There is also the issue of some chemicals binding to our feedback mechanism and basically being recycled in the body rather than excreted. Some toxins hide effectively in tissues and can be difficult to determine their levels using the normal testing methods.

The bottom line is that detox is more complicated than it used to be but I have good news! The Thinking Moms Revolution is putting on the "Your Life Detoxified" eConference on March 27th. The conference is just $40 and has a great line up of speakers with critical info on ways to detox and why it is important to YOU and your family today. The speakers include:

Debra Lynn Dadd
Dr. William Shaw
Kara Goyette, ND
Tami Duncan

Don't miss this conference with informative speakers and critical information to support the optimal health of you and your loved ones!

Click here to register.

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